Big Things!

Hey Everyone! It’s Lizzy/Lizz/Izzy/Elizabeth. When Mama and I were discussing the best way to approach making the website, a question popped up – which name should we do for me? So many people in my life know me as different things, depending on when we met, and how close to me and my family you are, and other things like that. So, Mom and I sat and thought about it for a minute and decided that “Lizzy” would probably be the best choice. It’s close enough to all of my names that everyone will have an idea of who I am, regardless of looking at the Save the Date picture.

Moving Onto Bigger Things

SO! Onto another topic! As some of you may know, Tucker and I were apartment hunting. It’s been an off and on thing for a while now, and for various reasons; biggest one being, we didn’t want to start our married lives living under two different roofs. Well, in April we signed a lease! We’re now living in the basement of the house that his parents rent. It’s a little bit of a drive for me to get to work now, but considering he’s been doing that drive regularly for the last 4 years, it’s only fair that I do it for a little while.

Well, the weekend of May 20th, we finally got me (almost) completely moved down south to our new home! By almost, I mean we’re still missing a couple pieces of furniture and about half my library because we didn’t have the time to get it into the truck. But, regardless! We are now moved into our new home. It’s been an adjustment, but not because we’re “finally” living together. The thing that I find interesting about that mentality is that for the last 2.5 years, Tucker and I have lived together off and on. When CoVID hit, we had to stop seeing each other because he continued to work, but the daycare I was working at had to close. Well, a few months into CoVID, my parents, grandparents, and I thought that it would be a good idea for me to move into my grandparents condo up here. Tucker didn’t like the idea of me living alone, so he stayed with me a few nights a week. Then, a little over a year later when my grandparents came up for a visit, we needed to vacate, so we moved into Delmar (my parents second property closer into Dayton that all of the kids have lived in). We lived together there for a little while, but having 4 people under that small a roof when so many personalities that were so similar…? It didn’t work as well as we’d hoped. So, he decided to stay primarily at his parents house.

That brings us to now, 2023. Finding a place to rent was not easy. We would find a good place, but we wouldn’t qualify for it for one reason or another. Or, we’d find one, but it would get rented out before we could submit our application. Things like that. So, when this place opened up, and basically landed in our laps? We had to take it! I was hoping for something a little more in the middle between our lives, BUT, you don’t look a gift-horse in the mouth. Especially when the rent is affordable, and it basically fell into our laps. I didn’t take too many pictures unfortunately, but once everything is in place, I will definitely take some pictures for you guys.

And Better Things!

I have also bought my first vehicle that is fully in my name, and I’m so excited! I’m paying for everything with it, it is 100% mine, and I could not be happier. It is a van, which leaves room for messes, but as I’ve told Mama, “I kept the Vue cleaner than I kept the Taurus.” I don’t think I’ll have much issue with keeping it clean, but only time will tell. We’ve gotten some decals printed much like what was on the back of the Vue, I just haven’t had time to get them put on it yet.

I think that’s all I’ve got right now! I hope everyone has a good rest of your day, and keep checking in periodically for random updates!

PS: I attempted to post this over a month ago, but as normal, life happened. At some point, I will get with Mama to get the pictures that I took posted up here, but in the meantime, thank you for stopping by! I will be getting with Tucker over the weekend to get a Registry put together on Amazon, as well, so do not fret about that friends! It will be both a “Home Coming” and a “Wedding” registry, as well, since the two events happened about 6 months from each other. Once we have that, I will get the link posted here so that everyone can make one stop for it.