Many years ago I had a wonderful photography instructor. We were learning darkroom techniques to alter a photograph. As he put it, take it from a photograph to a piece of art. He then went on to tell us that too many artists take life too seriously. So as photographers we need to keep the humor in our art. At the time I just filed that away. But obviously it struck a cord, as it stuck with me. I bring this up because I found someone on YouTube I am totally enjoying. He is a photographer, and very entertaining. His videos can be educational, and he does share his techniques. But what I enjoy the most is he doesn’t take himself too seriously.

James Popsys is definitely worth checking out. He just released his first book, and my husband ordered it for me. Now some may say it isn’t that great. It is not printed on the best paper, and as such it doesn’t do his photography justice. But having followed his adventures, I get it. He is still building his business, and cost is a big part of that. If he had gone with a more expensive paper, he would have had to charge more, he may not have been able to make the book at all. Then I wouldn’t have it, and that would be a real shame. Also, because I follow him, I have seen most of the photos on his YouTube channel, website, or Instagram. I know how and where, and saw him taking many of them. I will treasure this book for the joy it has given me. But also the giggles I had sharing it with my daughter 🙂