What is in the picture

August 19, 2019

“Your picture depends on what’s in it – and it has nothing to do with the technology”     Annie Leibovitz – MasterClass

Recently there has been a lot of conversation about a photographer’s technique and style. What makes a good photograph, the difference between a ‘snapshot’, and the art of photography. Can a photograph be good if it is not technically perfect? The answer is a resounding “YES”!!!

As photographers we can talk about this until we are blue in the face. The simple fact is that it is a personal choice. Just as we will choose an outfit to wear, it is all in the eye of the beholder. We can critique each other’s work on a technical level, share our personal thoughts, and give guidance and direction to the photographer. This is all a good thing; it helps us learn and grow. But we are not in their head, we don’t see what they see, and we aren’t capturing what they want to capture.

I say all this to make a point. This photograph is not the best, I see technical issues with it. But it is one of my all-time favorites; there is so much going on in one shot. My daughter is Facetiming with her grandmother, my grandson (her nephew) is in the background playing with his new truck. There is a poster my oldest gave my youngest of one of her favorite characters, and it all makes me smile. This photograph captured a special moment it time, and isn’t that our real goal?

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